Operational Optimisation

Operational Optimisation

Operational Improvement Case Studies
Strategy Realignment

Strategy Realignment

Operational Improvement Case Studies
Balanced Scorecard

Balanced Scorecard

Operational Improvement Case Studies
Carrier Management

Carrier Management

Operational Improvement Case Studies

Operational Optimisation


An operational network developed was inefficient and not fit for purpose. It didn’t have capacity to grow. Change was needed but no money was available.


  • Repositioned operational locations following detailed throughput analysis to maximise efficiency and productivity.
  • Rebalanced network and amalgamated sites to improve efficiency and capacity.
  • Created a centre of excellence to develop and test standard operating procedures, drive compliance, safety and service improvement, whilst reducing cost.
  • Implemented a flexible management structure within each department to change up or down depending on throughput.


Reduced costs by 14% whilst improving service performance levels and efficiency that increased capacity.

Balanced Scorecard


This business had a one dimensional view of  performance, siloed in functions and were not able to focus on key areas to align to the company’s strategy 


  • Workshops to agree end-customer needs and the company’s value proposition
  • Ensured the vision and mission, enablers, values and challenges were captured
  • Stress tested the output to check it would drive performance improvement needed
  • Created a dashboard balanced scorecard view to cascade across all functions


A balanced scorecard visible across the business that improved performance by enabling management from four perspectives:

  • Customer Perspective – How do customers see us?
  • Internal Perspective – What do we need to excel at?
  • Innovation Perspective – Can we continue to improve & create value?
  • Financial Perspective – How do we perform for shareholders?

The measures improved by between 14 and 37% over 12 months

Strategy Realignment


A major cost-out programme was implemented in this organisation that resulted in a misalignment with their customer proposition and led to customer dissatisfaction and attrition.


  • Re-set the contradictory strategy of trying to be a low-cost operator whilst being at the premium end of the market
  • Identified and removed elements of the proposition that drove high cost / low productivity with little or no revenue benefit
  • Developed an optimal operations resource plan and ensured cost efficiency plans were in place that had no impact on proposition but were standard, good business practise
  • Worked with customers, who had themselves moved away from the product offering resulting in higher cost to serve and re-set the relationship and mutual understanding
  • Reprioritised operational change programmes to focus first on those that produced the biggest savings whilst having the least impact on the customer offering


A rightsized operation delivering the priorities well that fit the most important needs of customers, whilst being adaptable to future needs.

Carrier Management


Our client needed to improve the service performance they were experiencing quickly through a change of carrier, but didn’t have the time, network of contacts or expertise to do so.


  • Analysis of client products, customer profile, service needs and volume
  • In depth discussions with client re their priorities
  • Service / Price comparison across carriers to establish choice
  • Agreed with client carrier shortlist to approach
  • Managed RFI process with carriers using extensive contact network and updated client throughout
  • Site visits and presentations managed with client
  • Negotiated pricing and terms on behalf of the client
  • Presented selection options to client to enable client decision


Best-fit carriers appointed within one month end to end – quicker than the client would have been able to achieve and allowed the client to focus on running their business. The result was inclusive of service enhancements, reduced costs and innovation for ongoing service choice to adapt to market requirements.